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Thursday, November 20, 2003

To The Top Of The Stack
Thanks, Chuck.
This week's Innovation Tools newsletter contained a review of a "new" book I bought several months ago, titled "Think Naked."

Unfortunately, like most recent additions to my library, the book by Marco Marsan seems to have been another victim of my accumulating "to be read pile" next to my couch... and next to my bed... and on my kitchen table... you get the idea.

Apparently Chuck had a chance to read his copy before I got to mine, so he gets credit for reading it first -- but I BOUGHT it first and have the receipt to prove it! Okay... I didn't save the receipt... but the big computer that tracks all my purchases has a record of it somewhere.

Anyway... I just wanted to tell you that there's a great review of what is apparently a really good book (that is now at the top of my to-be-read stack.)

Thanks, Chuck.


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