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Friday, October 17, 2003

Whacked Out
Virtual Whack Pack Provides Instant Online Innovation Inspiration
Any idea guy or gal worth their salt has read Roger Von Oech's brilliant books on creativity:
A Whack On The Side of the Head
A Kick in The Seat of the Pants
Expect the Unexpected... or you won't find it
You may even own the wildy creative card deck Whack Pack.

But did you know there is a free version of the creativity cards online?

If you visit Von Oech's website, you'll be treated to random drawings from the card deck, complete with incredible illustrations by George Willett. It's a great way to blow away those mental blocks when you're caught without your physical Whack Pack.

Even shuffling the deck for a new virtual card is fun -- all you do is click the button that says "Whack me again!"


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