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Thursday, April 14, 2005

What Would
Scooby Doo?

...It's Old Man Smithers!
Ive always been a fan of mystery movies and novels. I look upon them as a creative exercise, and a way to flex my mental muscles.

I'm a big fan of Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett rules!), Monk, and Nick Velvet. I had much fun through all the twists and turns of Deathtrap (Superman flicks aside, this is some of Christopher Reeve's best stuff) -- so naturally, this looks pretty cool to me!

Sleuth is an open-ended, detective role playing game (RPG) where you solve mysteries by searching for clues, questioning suspects and interviewing witnesses. Every mystery is unique with different victims, suspects and clues. All mysteries are solvable, in fact there are always two ways to solve any single mystery, but player skill and a small amount of luck are necessary to nab the guilty suspect. Visit the Sleuth website.

Ooh! Don't forget the movie Sleuth itself!


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