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Monday, August 23, 2004

It's About What it Means to be a Human Being in a Global Society
It's about what it means to be a human being -- period.
A Closer Walk is the first film to depict humankind’s confrontation with the global AIDS epidemic. The film’s director and producer, Robert Bilheimer, is an Academy Award nominee for his film Cry of Reason, a profile of the South African anti-apartheid leader Beyers Naude.

A Closer Walk was conceived with the late Jonathan Mann, architect of the World Health Organization’s response to global AIDS. A Worldwide Documentaries production, A Closer Walk has been produced in association with the Global Health Council.

The Dalai Lama, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, and Bono of U2 all appear in the film. Glenn Close and Will Smith provide narration.

Visit the site, read the text, watch the movie trailer.
The next question has to be -- What can I do?


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