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Monday, August 02, 2004

Free IDEAS-4U!
Ten more ebooks plus a PowerPoint presentation
As subscribers to my FREE "IDEAS-4U" newsletter know, once you signed-up for the mailing list you received a link to a special "Free Stuff" page with about a dozen ebooks, half that many guides and workbooks, and access to my ever-growing collection of creativity bookmarks and weblinks.

Well folks, it's time to visit that freebie page again!
This morning I added links to more than TEN additional ebooks, including a PowerPoint presentation on the 'two types of customers' and a collection of three audio books dealing with intellect and intuition.

It costs zip, zero, nada, to access all this valuable content -- you just have to sign-up for the FREE IDEAS-4U newsletter.

Upon registration, a welcome message will be sent to your email address -- scroll down to the letter's "PS" and you'll find the secret link to unlock access to all the valuable content listed above -- and much more.

You can sign-up for the newsletter by visiting this page.
Hundreds and hundreds -- thousands! -- of ideas await you!


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