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Thursday, August 15, 2002

Color Me Creative
Crayola's website brings out the creative kid in all of us.
There are few things I liked better in my youth than Crayola Crayons. Especially the big box with the sharpener.


Now that I'm a big kid, I don't use crayons as much as I used to (with the exception of using one to write the occasional check at the store -- just see how many funny looks I can get!) but the Crayola website makes me wax (pun intended) nostalgic everytime I visit.

There are all sorts of Crayola products you can purchase on the site (of course) BUT, there's a bunch of content based solely on the Crayola culture that is infinitely more valuable. There are activity ideas for kids, Crayola trivia, history, a color quiz, and even a chance to see if your favorite color matches that of your favorite celebrity.

It's a lot of fun and I recommend everyone take a moment to visit Crayola and remember the importance of the one product that taught us all how cool it can be to color outside of the lines.

Visit Crayola.com


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