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Friday, July 19, 2002

Chuck O' the Day
Today I complete week long coverage of "Chucks."
Perhaps I'll focus on a different name next week --

Send me an email and suggest a name!

This Made Me CHUCK-LE
Sure, it's a bad pun -- but is there really a such thing as a *good* pun?
I've seen all sorts of writing contests, but the winner is usually someone who writes well -- not this time!
2002 Bulwer-Lytton Bad Writing Award

This could be a fun contest to win -- if you're gonna be a bad writer, you may as well be the best bad writer you can possibly be! Although I suppose all the other writers could say "Sure, I might be a terrible writer, but at least I'm not bad enough to win an award for being bad."

Do you think people submit entires to this contest, or are they just nominated?
I mean, does anyone actually TRY to win?


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