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Friday, January 16, 2004

Creativity Self Assessment Scan
Take 10 Minutes to Test Yourself
I'm a firm believer that the results of any test can vary with the time of day, mood of the test-taker, and even the color of clothing they chose to wear that day -- but this self-test from the CREAX website is still a bit of fun.
Creativity Self Assessment Scan

Don't take the results too seriously... if you take the test right now and again at the end of the day, chances are your results will change. The best thing about the test is that it gives you some standard areas of creative thinking to consider.

It might be helpful to keep a link to this test and use it before you begin a creative project. If it gives you a low score in a specific area that is vital to the project you're about to begin, perhaps you should take a break in order to recharge your creative batteries before you get started.


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