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Saturday, May 21, 2005

New ReleaSeS
Audible.com uses RSS feeds to provide new release alerts
Excellent use of RSS feeds to keep your customers informed. What a great (free!) service to provide your clients!

Clothing stores could let shoppers know when the new seasonal fashions are in stock, or when a delivery of new red shoes has arrived.

Music stores could alert feed subscribers of new releases and additions to their used-CD collection.

Restaurants could provide chef specials, bars could provide happy hour details.

Car dealers could alert interested buyers of available cars in-stock without ever seeming pushy or rude.

Go see what Audible is doing, and think about how can you adapt this concept to YOUR business.


Anonymous Anonymous; said...

Hi There,

If you like the idea, check out www.voicesage.com (disclosure: I'm the marketing guy there). We do this kind of thing. Its part of a "kinda new industry" called "interactive notification".

Hope this opens some research doors to you. BTW, I use that "research to back a basic idea approach" all the time.

Paul Sweeney

7:35 AM  

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