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Tuesday, October 07, 2003

You Write like a GIRL!
GenderGenie judges author's sex via writing samples
Today's entry is nothing of earth-shattering importance, just a bit of fun. Visit BookBlog.net's Gender Genie to see how your writing ranks -- is your writing masculine or feminine?

As a test, I entered the text of the blog entry immediately below this one (about the Staples Invention Question) and I scored a Female Score of just 193, while the Male Score was a whopping 464! The algorithm correctly judged the writing to be crafted by a male.

Interestingly, after you enter the text you categorize the type of writing: Fiction, Nonfiction, or Blog Entry. Originally I had enter the category as "Nonfiction" and the results were judged to be "female." After re-entering the identical text and selecting "Blog Entry" the results significantly changed.

BookBlog says the results are correct 80% of the time, and offers you an opportunity to enter the correct sex of the author after viewing the results in order to update their answer ratio.

It might be fun to enter famous text from history; such as the Gettysburg Address, a presidential innaugaration speech, a story by a famous author, etc. to see how they rank on the Gender Genie.


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