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Thursday, February 19, 2004

A Direct Line to My Mind
Brain|Blog now has an RSS feed!
One of Blogger's new features is the ability to provide RSS feeds. If you've been sleeping for the past couple months, RSS is the old technology touted as the hot new thing.

The reason I say old tech is because (as I remember it) one of the first internet superstars was a company called PointCast. PointCast allowed you to subscribe to specfic newsfeeds and have the content delivered to your desktop. Although PointCast was the tasty flavor of the day back in the 90's (a million years ago in internet-time), it ended up taking a plunge from which they couldn't recover.

Fast forward a decade, and the rampant spam causes folks to rethink subscriber content as purely elective -- readers don't share an email address, personal information, or anything about themselves. Publishers make their content available for RSS news 'aggragators' (many of which are free) and readers like you and me simply add the feed link to our 'gator' for instantly updated articles and content. No more checking a site 10 times a day to get news updates, or to see if our favorite blog has new content -- the RSS feed brings it directly to our desktop.

Corporate RSS feeds can instantly update employees as to what's happening in the company, or let their sales people know what's in-stock, what's not, and alert them when the delivery truck have pulled up to the loading dock.

Not bad for an idea that's could be considered a senior citizen of the 'new economy.'

Want more RSS information? My friend Chuck of TuneCom.com shared a great article with me from MarketingSherpa.com

Want to subscribe to Brain|Blog RSS feed? Simply enter these coordinates!


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