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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

RSS Subscriptions
When I asked in my previous post that you subscribe to the new RSS feed on the WordPress blog, I want to make certain you understood not to UNsubscribe from any other Idea Guy feeds.

I'm not certain which feed will end up being the permanent one, but I certainly don't want to lose you in the shuffle. Thanks!
For want of a blog
...an RSS feed was lost.

Still not sure what the heck I'm going to end up with here in BrainBlog land. I've got one company that won't respond to help inquiries (blogger.com), and a hosting company that won't roll-back a recent server change that blocks my Blogger updates.

Add to this a buddy helping me see if WordPress is worth pursuing, and you end up with one guy, three BrainBlogs, and a whole bunch of RSS feeds -- and the fear of lsoing readers.

Merry frickin' Christmas.

Anyway... the new-new blog is back at MyBrainBlog.com. It's a half-finished WordPress PHP page, but at least I can post where at the address I've been promoting for six months. Although WordPress saves the RSS feed differently. Please subscribe to the new feed so you won't miss any posts on the Blog-o-drama.

More on this saga as it unfolds...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Old One, Two, Squidoo
Have you seen Squidoo? It's a new Seth Godin-endorsed project, and I've been poking around it a bit today. I even started my own Lens -- Ideas That Mean Business.

It's 'social-network-meets-blog'. Check it out, see what you think, and consider becoming a contributor.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Incredibly Bad Decisions About
Incredibly Successful Ideas
Here's an excellent collection of quotes from recognized experts who didn't quite 'get it.'

We've all heard some of these quotes, but there are some really good I wasn't familiar with. I thought I'd share the link with you.

Next time you're absolutely positive about something being a bad idea -- be certain to revisit this page before you put your decide on a firm "no." If not, your insistance on 'putting your foot down', is liable to make it wind up in your mouth.

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Sparking Ideas...

Anyone still here?Haven't you realized the blog ha...

RSS SubscriptionsWhen I asked in my previous post ...

For want of a blog...an RSS feed was lost.Still no...

The Old One, Two, SquidooHave you seen Squidoo? It...

Incredibly Bad Decisions About Incredibly Successf...

Which will YOU choose?Brainstorm Black, Eureka Red...

Now Showing...in another theater...If you're still...

Why are you still here?I told you I moved. DTIG Do...

The BrainBlog isnow MY BrainBlog!The switchover ha...

Be An OtterGreat quote from a conversation between...

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