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Thursday, February 24, 2005

Passion Pays Off
Do what YOU think is cool.
The fans and finances will follow.

James Farr is a damn talented guy. There's no denying it. He probably earns a good living doing animation for clients, but it wasn't enough for him. He had an idea inside his head and a story to tell -- had to tell -- whether anyone else wanted to hear it or not.

Using his own time and money (and later with the help of a few donations), James created the site Xombified.com in order to tell his tale of an undead hero charged with a journey through a wasteland of flesheating zombies in order to reunite a stranded child with a community of surviving humans.

James worked on his schedule, sometimes taking months to produce his episodic animated vision, and posted the chapters for free online viewing. He'd ask for donations to help pay for bandwidth costs, etc., but even if he never received a dime -- his Xombie tale was going to be told.

In between his day-job, inevitable freelance projects, and the time-intensive Xombie animation, James sent out proposals and pitches to get his vision sold to a "real" animation studio. He stuck to his guns and got the deal he wanted. I'm proud say this dreamer is also a "do-er" and is now the producer and co-director of his now-in-production feature length version of XOMBIE.

You can read the full details on his site forum, but learn from his lesson -- if you've a vision that you'd like to see made real, no one can make it happen but YOU. You're the catalyst. Nothing happens without your ideas being put into action.

...Just ask James Farr.


Anonymous Anonymous; said...


1:50 AM  
Blogger Don The Idea Guy; said...

Don't be bitter.

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about."
—Benjamin Franklin

7:59 AM  

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