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Thursday, July 03, 2003

Freaking Brilliant!
Sam draws pictures from your titles.
I enjoy the simplicity of this website, the style of the artist... I just love the whole concept!


Automatic Mix Tape Generator
I give it a "10" -- It's retro, hip, inspiring, and you can dance to it.


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Sparking Ideas...

Anyone still here?Haven't you realized the blog ha...

RSS SubscriptionsWhen I asked in my previous post ...

For want of a blog...an RSS feed was lost.Still no...

The Old One, Two, SquidooHave you seen Squidoo? It...

Incredibly Bad Decisions About Incredibly Successf...

Which will YOU choose?Brainstorm Black, Eureka Red...

Now Showing...in another theater...If you're still...

Why are you still here?I told you I moved. DTIG Do...

The BrainBlog isnow MY BrainBlog!The switchover ha...

Be An OtterGreat quote from a conversation between...

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